
There's a new Chuck in town

Screw Mr. Norris, there's a brand new Chuck in town. That's right, ladies, I'm talking about game show host extraordinaire Chuck Woolery:
FACT*: It is speculated that he owns over 400 diamond rings. He is such a fan of diamonds that he owns a diamond-encrusted bass guitar.

*Fact is from Wikipedia and might not actually be true, but I kinda hope it is.


New Con Sketch!

Superbowl Sunday was also the day of the more recent Atlanta Comic Convention. As I usually do, I got local artist and buddy Jason Flowers to do a sketch while I was there. I try to keep it pretty interesting, as he's usually willing to draw whatever I pay him for. This time his criteria was "Draw Captain America doing the most American thing you can think of" (which is the theme for a new con sketchbook I bought recently). Anyways, have a look at the final results!